Saturday, April 2, 2011

Get Left with Goddess!

There is a common saying among Christians that one must "Get right with God", especially if they're in poor health and just might meet their maker in the foreseeable future. And it becomes an equally common joke when Christians speak of the rapid conversion of an atheist on his death bed. But what of the Pagans who believe in both God and Goddess? Is it possible that when you "meet your maker" it might be "makers?" It's entirely possible, as are all spiritual and religious theories, but it may be even more probable than monotheism. One can certainly understand the spiritual need to "Get right with God" when "right" means "aligned" and "God" means "Spirit." It shows the duality of "God and Man" but not the duality within "God" and the duality within "Man." It's clear that there is duality in both "God" and "Man" and it is the same dual nature, gender. So the pagan would correct the phrase to be "Get right with God and Goddess!"

But there is another way to define the phrase "Get Right with God" because "Right" has more than one meaning. For those on the "Right" of the political spectrum the confusion of this term lends them legitimacy, to be on the "Right" side of any debate just sounds, I dunno... right? A simple mind can believe that, if they are "Right" in a political debate then they are right as opposed to wrong. To those people, I would trump their spurious rhetoric with the very real truth that all of our hearts reside left of center. And this is true in the political arena and in life in general, our hearts are always guiding us to the left. In the duality of gender the feminine aligns with our hearts, and the masculine aligns with our heads, which are sometimes cool and often hot. Neither the masculine nor the feminine are superior, neither are perfect in spirit nor form. Either can be right or wrong, benevolent or malevolent. It is balance that makes one a more perfect soul, not division. Perhaps we should be saying "Get Left with Goddess!"

It's not just in times of ill health for an individual that we hear the phrase, it's also when there are "end times" scenarios in the near future. With the end of the Mayan calendar approaching and the many industrial and natural disasters unfolding we're going to be hearing this call to our very souls beckoning us to come to the church and renew our connection through their devoted liaison. But for those churches built to worship Jesus, Jesus himself would not go. Jesus was a very balanced soul, he showed the power of both the masculine and the feminine, the left and the right, and the wrong. If we are to believe the words of Jesus that have survived so many edits by popes and kings, then it's possible Jesus had no belief in a Goddess sharing his fathers kingdom. But he showed the empathy and passion of someone who was aware of the presence of a Goddess, the equal power and validity of the feminine. And if he spent much time with Mary Magdalene he must have seen the Goddess in her.

As an astrologer I know that we are about to enter a phase of heightened spiritual presence as Neptune, the planet of spirituality and transcendence enters Pisces, the sign that Neptune rules. The planet of spirituality is coming home and in a very spiritual way, so are we. There will be many difficult times ahead but we are heading for a new world that will deliver us from the old ways and power structures. Giants will rise before they fall but the meek will indeed inherit the Earth, and then we need to take very good care of her because our mother is very sick. This is the time to put your spirit first, to align yourself with your heart and balance the masculine with the feminine. We have been worshiping a great Father in the sky for far too long and the imbalance must be over-corrected before it can be corrected. We must take from the Father what we have handed over to him in order to give back to the Mother what is rightfully hers. It is not enough to march woman to the beat of a mans drum and call it womens liberations, we must liberate femininity as a whole.

If you don't get Right with God, you might get Left with Goddess!

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