"What you will hear in your ear, in the other ear proclaim from your rooftops. After all, no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, nor does one put it in a hidden place. Rather, one puts it on a lampstand so that all who come and go will see it's light."
Jesus (The Man)
Yup. I happen to have a spirit of my own, he's my man on the inside, my informer. He's not really a "he" or a "her" it's complicated, but not really. All that matters is that I have a good connection and it's primo stuff, not that "over the counter" stuff you get in churches, mosques, and synagogues. I even know the source, it's very hard to get an audience with the source but we go way back, to the dawn of time. I shouldn't even be telling you this but I'm actually related to the source, please keep this on the down low, it's super secret hush hush.
But here's where it gets kinda kinky, we're all related to the source. You, reading this, you too have a connection to the source. No, not through me, I'm not that reliable. You have a soul too! And your soul has an all access pass to the universe. You're soul is totally chillin' backstage right now eating from the deluxe fruit tray the caterers put on every table. I know you have some questions for the source but don't expect your soul to ask a bunch of bothersome questions. I mean, the source gets that all the time and must really tire of it after a while. So sure, all you have here on earth is your general admission pass and you didn't get the best seats for the big show, so what?
So don't let anyone tell you that you don't know enough about religion to espouse your spiritual philosophies. Tell them that they know too much about religion and not enough about spirituality. And don't let anyone tell you that you cannot give a lecture on the subject of the day, university professors are not the only ones who can bore people to death with their special knowledge. No one needs to hide behind a bible, a lectern, or a doctorates degree to speak their own truth. And if people don't like your preachy style or messiah complex remind them that Jesus said we are not to hide our light under a basket, but to let all who come and go see it, or hear it. But don't take my word for it, or Jesus's word, or anyone elses, go inside your self, your very own church, and listen to the sermon within.
I'm Johnny C. Wood, that's who I am!